our history

Faith Baptist Church first met on April 16, 1972, in what was then known as the Wilson Café building. God’s people got together one evening for a prayer meeting asking God to help them in starting an Independent Baptist Church, and the next day the owners of the café gave them the key to the building and said they could use it rent free for the first few months! (Jeremiah 33:3) Just a few days later, the people gathered and held the first service. The first evening service was done by kerosene lamp light as the electricity wasn’t hooked up yet. 74 people were in attendance that morning!

Just a few months before, God’s people prayed that God would stop a tavern from being opened in the very same building. God soon answered their prayers. Before purchasing the building, the woman that wanted to open a tavern had the water tested by the health department and a report came back saying it was unsafe. Just a few months later, after the people of God started meeting in the building, another testing showed that the water was clear and good!

George Bishop was the first Pastor of Faith Baptist Church and pastored it for 18 years. That first summer, our church started supporting it’s first two missionaries. That Fall, there was a service where 7 adults were saved in the morning service! God provided, and His people were able to purchase the building in 1973. Walls were soon knocked out to make more room for the 100-125 people who had been filling the 20 x 40 ft. space. Another pastor came in during these years but left before his second year. Our first missionary family was called before Bro. Bishop resigned in the Fall of 1992. The church began praying for God to bring the man of His choosing to be their pastor. In May of 1993, James Mohler was voted in as pastor. During his time as pastor, our first missionary was sent out, more souls were saved, Bible Institute classes started, and yet another missionary was called, trained, and sent out of Faith Baptist Church! Bro. Mohler served faithfully for 26 years at which time he had to retire due to health problems. Again, the church sought the Lord, and in November of 2018, God answered by calling Brandon Shull to the pastorate. Pastor Shull has a heart to serve the Lord, and a heart to reach the lost, while also investing in the lives and homes of his congregation. Many ministries have been started under his leadership and much has been accomplished since his arrival! Souls are continuing to be saved, and the church is growing not only in number, but also in faith and love.

It was by faith the church was started, and we are asking God to continue to use Faith Baptist until His return! Without faith, it is impossible to please Him!